Thursday, February 9, 2017

OUGD503 - Responsive - Collaborative Practice - ROH - Contract

Task 01

_Define your motivation for undertaking this collaboration

Royal Opera house brief defines that ballet is in serious need of a makeover to break through the stereotypes associated with it and highlight it as an interesting activity to do for millennials who already have an interest in culture. Collaborating with an illustrator and potentially an animator has the capacity to create an interesting and compelling campaign to modernize ballet. 

_Define the methods of communication you will use and how often you will meet

Meet in person on a weekly basis (at least once) to discuss progress and ideas and keep in contact via facebook messenger throughout the project to share new ideas and concepts. 

_What skillsets does each member of your collaborative team bring? 

Me - Graphic Designer

- Understanding of branding, editorial, web design, app design, packaging, information design.
- Illustration 
- Some level of animation

Megan - Illustrator

- Illustration
- Some level of animation
- Traditional Print (Screen Printing) 

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