Friday, April 29, 2016

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 02 - Individual Practice - Licence to Print Money Page - Evaluation

This project definitely had it's highs and lows for me. At the start I felt really inspired and managed to conduct lots of useful research into potential idea I wanted to explore. 

Even though I am happy with the final concept I had 'make money out of things money can't buy'. I should have explored more potential avenues before settling on this one idea. 

I struggled to make the design look 'finished' for a long time and spent many hours trying to work out what was missing. I feel like I could have resolved this issue a lot quicker by conducting more research into pre-existing banknotes and coupons rather than trying to resolve the issue without any extra sources of inspiatiom. 

Once I got to the stage where I was ready to print I simplified the bank note to just two colour separations as I wasn't confident with screen printing as I had never done it before and thought it was really complicated. 

Screen printing and aligning the different colour separations was a lot easier than I anticipated which made me regret not being more adventurous, however for a first attempt at screen printing I was really pleased with how it turned out.

The colours were really vibrant and everyone seemed to love the finished piece. 

This brief was great at introducing me to the college’s facilities and I’ve discovered that I absolutely love screen printing, although it takes 10 times longer than digital printing, the finish is much more interesting and you can acheive effects a digital printer wouldn’t be able to like using fluorescent or metallic inks and printing onto more unusual stock.

I can’t wait to do it again!

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