Tuesday, April 17, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 07 - Gender Disparity - Pertinent points from research

'Meanwhile, a number of recent exhibitions have asked women to produce a certain kind of work because of their sex, arguably perpetuating gender stereotypes. Furniture brand Lago worked with eight prominent Italian women to create a series of rooms in "an ode to women's kindness", while seven female designers were asked by Italian metal brand De Castelli to create metal furniture with "strong emotional allure".

We are not at the tipping point yet – we are on the stage before."

"It's not just about the technicality of gender equality either, because men and women are different. Balanced panels, balanced meetings, balanced companies just feel better and behave better - there's more nuance, a greater diversity of tone as well as of voice."

'How many female designers do you see in design history books? Not many.'

'Women are becoming gatekeepers as they rise to powerful positions in other industries. They may be more open to commissioning female designers, as, in fairness, may the next generation of male gatekeepers.'

'Another factor is that design is expanding into new areas in response to advances in science and technology and social and economic changes. Historically women have thrived on new turf where there are no male custodians and they are free to invent their own ways of working, as Muriel Cooper did as a pioneer of digital design during the 1970s and 1980s.'

I can’t say my reaction to “Lean In” has softened at all. Regardless, Leaning in isn’t the real issue. We’re leaning. We’re just not talking. I can’t help solve the problem if I continue to ignore the fact that I’m one of the victims, so I told my story. It’s your turn to tell yours.

Flexible working is the future of equality between men and women. 

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