Friday, September 30, 2016

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - 6 Week Plan

Week 1
  • Research Art Books - Document size, binding, stock, audience etc.
  • Retake Photos for book in Sheffield
  • Research into layout of different books considering posibilities for stock, binding etc.

Week 2 
  • Choose content for book
  • Look into various contents 
  • Consider book layout / size

Week 3
  • Research and finalise binding methods
  • Research and finalise Grid
  • Research and finalise Stock 
  • Research Print methods used in Industry 
  • Deside how much type you want in book
  • Embossing and foiling workshop

Week 4
  • Edit photos and arrange in book
  • Choose typography to go in book and write the content
  • Design cover for book

Week 5
  • Prepare docs to be printed 
  • Produce cover for book
  • Start trying to bind the book 

Week 6
  • Finalise and bind
  • Make design boards

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