Monday, October 5, 2015

Study Task 1: LOGOTYPE

For our first studio briefing we have been given a collaborative project to redesign a logotype for a given company.

Our group's is Leeds based boiler repair company help-link (not very exciting I know) but that's the whole point.

I often find working in groups a struggle as it is often difficult to make any firm decisions and get anything done as there are so many different ideas put on the table at once, however so far I feel our group is off to a good start.

We began by brainstorming factors which already related to the company such as what are it's aims?(is it community driven, eco friendly, affordable) what is the target audience? (age, gender, income) what is the image it's trying to portray? (reliable, professional, trustworthy, approachable). All of these factors are what we had to take into consideration when addressing the next part of the task...

...basing it on one of Vignellis 6 basic typefaces.

We are still in the process of deciding which one but are leaning towards a sans-serif typeface as it comes across as more modern and reflects modern and current ideals such as being eco friendly as well as remaining simplistic, practical and informative. However we don't want to make it look to corporate.

[the team brainstorming away]

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