Tuesday, October 11, 2016

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - Update on progress and formative feedback

2 weeks into the project this is a summary and overview of where I am in the project and how I got here.

After the crit on Friday 7/10/16 and talking to my tutors, the peer feedback that I gathered was conclusive that I should create a book that focusses on the Devonshire Quarter in Sheffield and acts as both a field guide and appreciation of the typography found in the area.

Type in Context: The Devonshire Quarter, Sheffield 

CONTEXT - Images of bright, colourful, engaging typography found in the lively and culturally diverse areas of the Devonshire Quarter in Sheffield. 

Limited amounts of type only highlighting the information about each street, not going into unnecessary detail about each piece of typography. 

Some form of interactive sticker sheet or checklist at the end. 

The Book would be a small field guide / book similar to 'Badly repaired cars' that breifly explores different attractions of the devonshire quarter, while simultaneously studying in detail the typography that can be found there. 

TARGET AUDIENCE - Geographical demographic - People that can be commonly found in the Devonshire Quarter. Young professionals, students, artists, hipsters. The book naturally would appeal to this demographic as not only are these the kind of people who inhabit the devonshire quarter on a daily basis, but these are also the people who would be interested in stopping to look and appreciate the finer details of the typography found in the area, and actively hunt to seek it out. 

PRICE POINT - No more than £10. As it is a younger demographic I would not want the price range to put off the target audience from purchacing it. As the devonshire quarter is contantly evolving I would make the print run a limited addition of around 100/200 copies to 1) encourage people to buy the book as they can own a limited edition piece. 2) Justify buying a copy. Sheffield people are extremely proud of their heritage and this book would give a younger generation a chance to own something that represents their city at a time when they live there. 

The Devonshire Quarter has evolved greatly in the last 10 years alone, with the independant shops found on the highstreet contasntly changning hand. In another 5 years the content found in the book will be outdated and compltelty changed. Making this an ephemeral snapshot into the current look of the area will be make a selling point of the book. Creating appeal for young people to buy it. Each book will also contain a unique selling point to it, perhaps on the inside cover, a different screen printed pattern. 

APPEAL - Due to the endless number of independent shops, cafés and restaurants found in the area, the book lends itself to being sold purely in the devonshire quarter and a few other places in sheffield such as Ecclesaul road, the S1 Art Gallery and Sheffield Institute of Art. This is where the geographical demographic of the book commonly shop and also lends itself to being a limited edition one off print when being bought from these places. 

They would even be sold in less conventional places where you would usually buy books such as coffee shops and tattoo parlours 

PRINT AND DISTRIBUTION - Limited print run of around 100, full colour print, limited edition elements which make each book unique. 

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