Friday, October 7, 2016

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - Peer Feedback Crit 7/10/16

Some of the feedback I received after the crit. 

Q] Should I do the Graffiti book or the book on the devonshire quarter? 

'Book on the devonshire quarter as it combines the two together and shows off the diversity of the streets in sheffield.'

I'm glad that my group agreed that I should focus on the devonshire quarter combined with the street art found there as my tutor also suggested that it keeps the concept of the book more interesting rather than another book on graffiti as it paves way for more ideas on how to make the book more unique and covetable.

Suggestion: 'Could print of your own stickers that can be used interactively by users in the book to put next to their favourite example of typography which can be found in the publication once they've visited the place. Attracts other people to buy the book / find out about it. Makes the book more fun. '

This was a really interesting suggestion that I think I will use in my publication as I wanted to look for a way that makes the book interactive and this is a really simple way to do so. The streets of the devonshire quarter are filled with lamposts and parking ticket machines covered in unique and interesting stickers, some of which are featured in the images of my book. It would be interesting to see the people purchasing this book contributing to the street art and typography found there by sticking the stickers from the book to the location themselves. 

'Make an app which details where the locations of the book can be found, where you can check in etc.'

John suggested that if I was to take the project further I could design an app to go with the book that would make hunting down the typography interactive and more engaging. 

'Make it cheap to produce.'

The book would be for students and younger creative people so the price would have to be quite cheap. 

After the feedback I am much clearer on the proposal for my book and the route in which I want to take it down. 

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