Tuesday, March 7, 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Current Issues - Community Borrowing research

I began by researching more into the idea of borrowing things other than books from these public library style venues, who it would benefit and what makes it an ethical project. 

Who does it benefit / Why is it beneficial?
  • Low-income families
  • Students
  • Millenials
  • The environment, by using less resources
  • Saves people money - anyone can benefit from that
  • Convenient, not cluttering up your house - people with limited space
  • Building trust and connections in a community that otherwise wouldn't have happened - people new to an area
  • First-time Buyers who need lots of tools but only once.
  • Builds respect through sharing ethos
  • Accessible to everybody and anybody
  • Average cost of houses rising
Pre-existing schemes of this nature 

Library of Things:


Stocks things that are really useful but clog up cupboards, are expensive to buy and are rarely used. Stock donated from local B&Q and members of the public. Sharing economy, accessing products and services rather than buying them.

Anyone can join for free, come in and visit or use the online catalog. 

Infographic showing products you can borrow from Libraries around the world:

Hyde Park Source - Environmental Charity

Crowd funding for a tool library in Leeds is ongoing. Has only Raised £608 out of £20,000. 

What is a Tool Library?

Tool Libraries are a community resource which empower and enable their members to access and share tools, knowledge and skills.

Why it's a good idea?

• The average power tool is only used 12-13 minutes in its lifetime 

• The average UK household spends £110 a year on tools (Office of National Statistics, 2014) – annual membership to the tool library costs £20 (or less if you’re skint!)

• Access – All residents have access to quality tools for little to no cost

• Community Building – Creates social hub where neighbors can meet each other

• Resilience and Job Skills – People gain practical skills working on projects.

• Sustainability – Community uses fewer resources and has smaller ecological footprint.

How will it work?

•The tool library will open one day per week, staffed by a Tool Librarian.

•There is an online database where members can book whatever tools they want to borrow.

•Membership will be on a 'Pay As You Feel' basis. (Although we are charging £10 for the purposes of this appeal - PAYF membership will be available once we are setup)

Once established the library will run activities for current and prospective members:

•Inclusive training sessions run by Hyde Park Source throughout the year to encourage participation and up-skill members e.g. 'Watchamacallit?' (introduction to tools), 'Ouch my thumb!' (tool safety), 'Sharp as a spoon' (tool maintenance)

• Skill Share sessions run by library members to pass on their specific tool knowledge whilst gaining experience in teaching and facilitation

Who are Hyde Park Source?

They are an innovative, creative and dynamic environmental community organization. Although based near Hyde Park, they work across Leeds.


•Improve health and well-being through improving local environments.

•Increase the potential of individuals and communities. 

•Promote equality of education and training.

They work with local communities to improve their surroundings, designing and creating attractive, exciting, safe and useful places for people to live, work and play.

They run a supported volunteer scheme providing a safe and friendly place for people to learn new skills and make connections.

Improving the wellbeing of people and communities is at the heart of what they do. Through our work they facilitate the Five Ways to Wellbeing, encouraging people and communities to Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.

Products and Services that a borrowing center could provide: 

  • DIY 
  • Electronics
  • Camping Gear
  • Sewing Machines, pins, loops, cotton, threads, fabric scissors
  • Carpet Cleaner
  • Power Tools
  • BBQ
  • hoover
  • Instruments 
  • Sewing Equipment
  • Camera
  • Scanner
  • Cooking equipment
  • Blenders
  • Slow Cookers
  • Ice Cream Maker
  • Lawnmower
  • Wacom Tablet

Do research by looking into:

  • Tools people often need
  • Tools needed to do specific things
  • Things students often need to borrow
  • Services that would be useful
  • Loyalty schemes
  • Age of Austerity 
Other Interesting articles:
Library of things - Sharing Economy (The Guardian) 

'The concept is simple, says 26 year-old co-founder Rebecca Trevalyan. Anyone can become a member, it’s free to join, and up to five items can be borrowed per week. The carpet cleaner is one of the more expensive items but most are charged out at somewhere between £2 (for a garden fork) and £4 (for a bread maker). All are listed in its online catalogue. '

'Age of Austerity' 

Simple Definition of Austerity: 

Austerity involves policies to reduce government spending and or higher taxes in order to try and reduce government budget deficits.

Austerity policies are often associated with higher unemployment and lower economic growth.

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