Tuesday, March 7, 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Researching Current Issues

For studio brief 02 I made a list of the issues I was passionate about that could be a good potential starting point for this project and that are all current issues, many with ongoing government petitions being signed by the public. 

I looked on Parliment petitions, various social media and the news for issues I felt strongly about and that could have the potential for a strong concept to base my project on. 

Stop the Rot! - End Supply Food Chain waste 

- Supermarket Waste
- Jamie Oliver Community Fridge
- Supermarket Tags - Replace Price with Damage to the Environment
- Pay what you feel Supermarket in Leeds - Reduces Waste and Helps Community
- Give waste food to homeless / Charities
- The Oscar Food waste which was given to the homeless 
- Burning waste food for fuel/energy
- Japan Burns waste - turns into building materials such as bricks

Animal Abuse / Animal Adoption

- Stop people who abuse animals from owning an animal ever again
- Increase awareness of adoption
- Change one another's lives videos (saving one another)

Organ Donation - Make it opt-out

- Raise awareness of everyone who needs organ donation and why an opt-out scheme would be much more beneficial. 


- Mobile phone credit
- Dubs scheme for refugee Children

Library where you borrow things that aren't just books

- Tools
- Printer etc. 
- Helpful for millennials without big houses to keep things in, the homeless, low-income families and students etc. 
- Discount scheme for reliable customers. 
- The potential for a product, the range and distribution eg. app, book, posters etc.

Food and diet related issues

- Carbon emissions caused by regular diet
- Becoming vegan
- Ban palm oil products in the UK
- Dwindling fish stocks - overfishing, pollution. 
- Bee population affects crops etc.

Once I had a list of relevant and current issues I had a discussion with Bobonut to talk through my ideas and pick the ones with the most potential to move forward with. 

The most pertinent points we discussed were which campaigns would be the most relevant and which issues you could base a substantial public campaign on. Some of the issues such as the supermarket waste food issues would focus more heavily on the actual supermarkets themselves taking action rather than the public being able to help, therefore it would be harder to make a useful campaign.  

Other good points were which topics would have the most scope for product range and distribution and that I would actually enjoy working on for the next few months. Topics such as the organ donation register, although I feel strongly about might be a bit heavy to work on for a long period of time and may prove challenging to do primary research on. Topics such as the public borrowing scheme, however, would be much easier to do research on and would prove much more fun. 

Therefore I have decided to research further into public borrowing schemes and how it benefits the community.

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