Thursday, February 8, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 01 - Fate App - Additional Collateral

For the advertising campaign of the app, the slogan ‘In the Dark about art?’ is
featured in the font ‘Editor’ on top of a blackened out duo-tone image of an iconic piece of art/sculpture with the fate logo visible in the bottom corner.

The colour scheme of the posters compliments the bright white and grey tones of the app. A bar at the top of the poster tells readers the name of the artist, name of the piece and location of the artwork, to illustrate the purpose of the app.

The campaign would be international and be distributed across newspapers, bus stops and billboards in all major towns and cities. Places like airports and train stations would be ideal locations to promote the app as they would encourage people to use Fate whilst on their trip.
The design of the poster campaign makes sense and is eye catching to a creative target audience. The ambiguity of the design means viewers have to look closer at the design to figure out what it is.

The way the information is written at the top looks very digital so further shows that the service is an online/digital app.

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