Monday, April 30, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 05 - Secret 7" - Evaluation

Strengths and What I liked

Doing this quick brief for secret 7" I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and get away from the hand-rendered illustrative style that I have become known for over the last 2 years on my course. It has been fun working with photography and learning a few new skills that I didn't know how to do before like drawing and shading vector drawings in illustrator and creating glitch artwork in photoshop. I really liked the photograph of the pink bike and could definitely see it as an album cover with a lot of the people I showed it to agree.

Weaknesses and what I didn't like

As these styles are ones that I am fairly new to working in I did struggle to make them look good as I wasn't particularly confident in how to lay them out effectively or what other people would feel about them but I was determined not to lapse and do something illustrative so I stuck with my gut instincts and went for a more fun approach rather than particularly detailed. I'm not 100% happy with the designs but I'm proud to be pushing myself and exploring new ground and hopefully with time will get a greater understanding of what works and find a style I'm happy to play around with that isn't illustration based. I feel one of the main reasons I struggled with this brief was that unlike in 2016, I didn't have a particularly strong connection to any of the songs and didn't really grow to like any that much which made thinking of an interesting cover hard. 

Time Management

For this project I set myself 3 days, which did spill over to more like a week as I was doing it in conjunction with other deadlines and couldn't make my mind up on the style or idea that I wanted to run with which meant it ended up taking longer. 

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