Wednesday, May 10, 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution Ideas

'Part 2: Devise and develop a body of practical work that both distils your knowledge of an identified issue and demonstrates your ability to tap into the market potential for socially, politically and ethically-driven design. This output should still work within the broader creative and professional contexts of graphic design but could be based around ideas of awareness or protest.'

Products + Range

For the lending library there is a range of material I could make that would both support and raise awareness of the issue. The following are my potential ideas:
  • Branding for the Leeds Lending Library - logo, signage, typography, pricing, strategy, colour schemes etc.
  • Booklet to be posted to all houses in leeds with some form of pin up/add on which makes it easy to hang up next to your calendar etc. 
  • Series of posers raising awareness of things you can borrow from the library put up in public places around Leeds. Targeting entire demographic. 
  • Website - Shows you what you can order/rent and products availability. 
  • Set of stickers to stick on lamp posts/badges. 
  • Lend don't spend slogan - tote bags. 
  • Bus stop posters/signs.
  • An animated video promoting lending libraries for Facebook. 

'Your response should explore the relationship between product range and methods/media of distribution as well as specific audiences, contexts and appropriate tone of voice.'

The booklets would be printed on sustainable stock, and distributed around to the public spaces in Leeds. As a student I know that any flier that get's posted through the door just gets thrown straight into the recycle bin without even looking at it. 

Distributing the fliers to public spaces such as University receptions/desks, library desks, supermarket tills, shop entrances allows people to pick up the booklet if they want it and take it home. 

Stickers will be printed and stuck to hundreds of lamp posts, doors and public spaces to gradually build awareness of the lending libraries. Once interest is built up, people could then look online to check products and availability. 

Posters can also be plastered to the multiple gig pillars in the Leeds area. 

Feedback on these ideas

Everyone thought the range of products was appropriate for both raising the awareness of lending libraries and making the concept become a reality. 

The Facebook animated video would probably be the most effective in raising awareness of the issue but time constraints may be an issue for producing it. 

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