Friday, February 23, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Hellmann's to do list for brief

  • Logo
  • Campaign Name
  • Hashtags
  • Colour scheme
  • Art Direction

Food Van
  • Van Design
  • Menu (Board or A-Frame)
  • Takeaway packaging
  • Paper for inside box

  • Photoshoot and Art Direction
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Bus advert 
  • Billboard

In Store
  • Vouchers
  • Box to carry wonky fruit and Veg
  • Web page with map
  • Social media campaign
  • A 1-minute video
  • Design Boards

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Hellmann's Brief - Concept and Collateral

The Concept - Our idea for Hellmann's is a wonky vegetable campaign with a Hellmann's Wonky Food Truck - Service and a Campaign that encourages more people to buy and consume wonky fruit and veg. The idea perfectly hits a wide target demographic from students to festival goers to families wanting to save money. The campaign perfectly reflects Hellmann's brand values who's motto is 'we're on the side of food' even stating on their website that at Hellmann's they're all about taste, not looks, which is exactly what this campaign focusses on. This campaign will hopefully save 7 million tonnes of misshapen fruit and veg from going to waste each year as consumers are obsessed with perfection and look rather than taste. 

Food Truck - The Hellmann's wonky food truck will travel around the country to various events such as Music Festivals, Freshers Fairs and Food Markets promoting the great taste of wonky veg by making delicious meals at a lower price than their competing stalls. As food taste the same no matter how it looks it will raise people's awareness of the prejudices they have for wonky veg and make them realise that it's not all about looks. The van will source the wonky veg from rejected stocks from supermarkets or farmers at a lower price than their better-looking friends, eliminating what would usually go to waste. Everyone can tell you that food stalls at Festivals are ridiculously overpriced so a cheap, healthy alternative would be a huge success, especially with the rise in people turning to meat-free cuisine. As the van is run by Hellmann's a table full of their condiments will be provided, raising awareness of the full range of sauces Hellmann's manufactures (not just mayonnaise). Dishes named after classic ugly references. Collateral: Design of the Van, Menu Board, Actual Menu eg. smoothies, wraps etc. Signage, take-away packaging.

Campaign - Alongside the food van there will be a nationwide campaign raising the awareness of the benefits of wonky veg with funny copy and bright, trendy photography. The campaign will stress how veg is the same on the inside no matter how wonky on the outside. Collateral: Branding, Posters and Billboards and Busses

In-Store - Boxes of wonky veg in supermarkets will collaborate with Hellmann's by coming with a Hellmann's voucher attached, adding another level of persuasion to consumers as not only are they getting their 5 a day for much cheaper, but they are getting a free sample of Hellmann's sauce. Hellmann's 'choose what you need' box, only pick what you want and the amount you'll need for the week, then choose your sauce to go with it. 
Collateral: Vouchers and box to carry the wonky veg

Online - A page on the Hellmann's Website will allow customers to track the van and see it travelling around the UK and what city or event it will be at next. Collateral: social media campaign, a page on their website to track the van.

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Stop the Rot Video (Research)

STOP THE ROT from This is Rubbish Media on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Hellman's Brief - Research

'However, it’s so easy to forget that so much food has been wasted before we even get the opportunity to buy it. Supermarkets have such strong specifications of what they will and won’t sell to the public that thousands of tonnes of vegetables that are grown in the UK will go to waste.' - Ella Tarn

'To us, taste is everything – it’s the reason Hellmann’s exists – everything we make is designed to make food taste better. After all, you’d never eat our products on their own (unless you’re that one guy in Delaware)'

We don’t have anything against awesome food pics (we take awesome food pics ourselves). We just believe the greatest pleasure you can get from food comes from how it tastes. Because we’re on the side of food.' - 

75% would definitely buy “wonky” if it was cheaper.

In the first programme, the pair meets farmers who tell them that they were unable to sell thousands of tonnes of their fresh vegetables to supermarkets because they were deemed imperfect. They approached Asda to suggest a small trial in store – filmed for the programme – to gauge customer perceptions of wonky produce and whether they would be willing to buy it at a discount.

“If most Brits had half an idea of the amount going to waste, they’d be snapping up ugly veg by the trolley load,” Oliver said. “There’s no difference whatsoever in taste or nutritional value. This is perfectly good food that could and should be eaten by humans. When half a million people in the UK are relying on food banks, this waste isn’t just bonkers – it’s bordering on criminal.”

Fruit and vegetables in Asda’s new Beautiful on the Inside range will be bagged separately and sold for 30% less than their “perfect” peers, as the supermarket hopes to educate shoppers on the benefits of “buying ugly” while also supporting farmers. The campaign and dedicated range will launch in selected stores from 26 January, with a view to being rolled out nationally.

In July 2009, a controversial EU ban on fresh produce (26 types of fruit and vegetables) that failed to match standard shapes and sizes – such as bent carrots, curled cucumbers and knobbly potatoes – was lifted. Up to that point, an estimated 20% to 40% of UK fruit and vegetables was routinely rejected before it reached the shops. But an expected deluge of wonky veg onto supermarket shelves failed to materialise.

The supermarkets blamed consumers for being obsessed with perfection, while farmers blamed supermarkets for sticking to rigid, high technical specifications. Retailers have gradually been relaxing these, and food banks and organisations such as Food Cycle have been grateful recipients of rejected produce. But successive reports on food waste in the supply chain show that much more could be done to make use of edible, if misshapen, foods.

Ian Harrison, produce technical director at Asda said: “Even if fruit and veg have some knobbles and blemishes, this doesn’t affect the quality or taste – a carrot is still a carrot. Customers are simply looking for great-tasting, fresh produce at a value price. Our growers are savvy and already use a large percentage of this wonky crop for further processing, for things like ready meals and juicing, but we saw an opportunity to extend this even more.”

In the first programme Oliver and Doherty meet farmers Olly and Kevin Hammond, who have been growing carrots and parsnips at Tattersett Farm in Norfolk since 1959. Doherty said: “Anything that doesn’t make the grade gets chucked. It’s a massive waste for farmers. Where ‘A’ grade carrots sell for £800 a tonne, they practically give the ugly ones away for animal feed for just £10.”

The move is supported by the government’s food waste reduction advisory body Wrap, which has said that loss and waste in the fresh produce supply chain averaged out at less than 10% but could be as high as 25% for apples, onions and potatoes.

Other large supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s and Waitrose have relaxed their specifications to sell some ugly and imperfect produce, but this is the first initiative to clearly identify and separate them from the mainstream alternative. Emma Marsh, head of Love Food Hate Waste, said: “Buying misshapen or blemished fruit and vegetables doesn’t mean you are sacrificing any of the taste. Food costs money and precious resources to produce, so we should value it.”

Kiti Soininen, head of UK food and drink research at the market research company Mintel, commented: “It is clear that consumers are open to ugly produce, but where oddly shaped fruit and veg sits with mainstream offerings, it is at risk of going unchosen, even if subconsciously. Price comes across as a real consideration for many and positioning ugly fruit and vegetables as a tasty, low-cost option should help to reach this group.”

Hellmann's Ketchup 

About 13% of all tomato crops are thrown away, simply because they aren’t red enough to go into ketchup. That’s crazy. Some farms even have special machines that check the colour and discard any that don’t fit the bill. It’s automated food waste. And it’s time we did something about it. That’s why we’ve made a special ketchup that uses red and green tomatoes. If you like it, let us know. Because frankly, no good tomato should go to waste.

Stop the Rot!

Stop the Rot! Is a current campaign calling on supermarkets to tackle food waste in their supply chains. UK supermarkets and businesses throw out over 7 million tonnes of food annually, before it gets to your shopping basket. That’s enough to lift all the hungry people in the UK out of food poverty.

Globally, if food waste was a country, it would be the third top carbon emitter after USA and China. Consumers are currently asked to do the lion's share of tackling food waste, but many businesses waste more in a day than a consumer does in a year.

Someone pays for these mountains of wasted food – be it you, victims of climate change, the person who can’t afford to eat, or the supermarket’s suppliers.Food is mainly wasted on farms and in factories, but hugely affected by retailer policy. Imagine spending all year growing potatoes, just to have them rejected for being the wrong shape or size. Or toiling to overproduce cauliflowers for fear of ever missing an order. One farmer had to plough 300,000 perfectly edible cabbages back into the field. These unjust practices need to be stopped. Hidden from view, the waste piles up and suppliers suffer in silence.

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - 10 initial ides for Hellmann's brief

Ideas for Helmans Brief

1 - Cook Book 
  • Looks at the most commonly wasted food categories of food
  • Shows infographics of food (in chapters) Fruit, Veg etc.
  • Then shows easy recipes on what you can make with such waste food
  • Suggested recipes are written by top Chef's from around the country 
  • Good cause - Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver etc. 
  • The cookbook always mentions on of Hellman's sauces to go with it

2 - Social Media Campaign 
  • Don't be a #wasteman 
  • Encourage people to share their recipes online
  • Encourages others to not waste food
3 - Game
  • Shows Infographics of wasted food
  • Make a game like candy crush
4 - Reward Scheme
  • Don't waste any food and get a free voucher for Hellman's?
5 - App for at home
  • Scan barcodes of food when unpacking in the fridge/cupboard
  • The app notifies you of which items are going off soonest.
  • Colour coded red today, amber 2 days etc.
  • Suggests recipes that use the ones going off soonest. 

6 - App for the store
  • Acts like a shopping list and meal planner in one
  • Put into the app how many people you are feeding
  • How many days worth of food you need
  • Pick pre suggested meals from the app 
  • Algorithms work out cheapest suggestions that use most similar ingredients
  • Combats over buying (saving you money)
  • Prevents waste - you know exactly how much you need and won't forget anything
  • Also acts as a cookbook
  • Can choose dietary requirements such as vegan, pescatarian, allergic to peanuts etc.
7 - App for restaurants to notify local food banks and Homeless Shelters
  • Helmans works in partnership with local food banks and homeless shelters
  • If their food is going off someone will come to pick it up and use in their restaurant
8 - Myth Busting book
  • Breaks common myths on what sell by dates mean for food 
  • Breaks down the labels - shows what they actually mean
  • Shows tips on how you can tell if something has gone off or not
  • eg. Egg in water trick 
  • Things you can use stuff for that you'd otherwise throw away eg. bananas to make banana bread. 
  • Potatoes growing sprouts 
9 - Instagram campaign
  • 'We recently discovered that 1 in 3 Instagrammers are willing to let food go cold so they can get the perfect photo of it. *That’s pretty weird. But get this: more than half of them have posted food pics because they look good, and then discovered the food itself didn’t taste very good.' *Edelmann Intelligence, January 2017
10 - Take your own tub/bag
  • Choose only the amount you need from the fruit and veg section in the supermarket
  • Eliminates waste food by never getting more than you need
11 - Promote the Ugly Veg 

  • Use tone of voice to make ugly a good thing
  • Big 4 supermarkets 
  • Every year we waste 50 million tonnes of food
  • Half of which occurs in the industrial food supply chain 
  • If food waste was a country it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emiiter after china and the UK
  • 300,000 perfectly edible cauliflower were chopped up
  • Show people a lot of things that come out of the ground are mishapen and are still edible
  • Would lead on to a consumer uderstanding that's what happens, that's part of nature
  • about 30% of the food that leasves the farm doesnt get to the supermarket
12 - Some sort of Tally System 
  • If you don't measure what you're wasting its really hard to make a change 
  • Tally of everything you've thrown away
  • Equivalent of money you would have saves
  • Buy one get one free
  • Lowering prices 
  • Time, effort and money going to waste 

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Brainstorming ideas for D&AD

By fully assessing the briefs and outlining exactly what they were after, we brainstormed a couple of ideas which we could potentially take further for both briefs before making a final decision on which brief we wanted to work on.

Drop Box - For this brief, we first had to think of an issue that we felt we could research thoroughly using both primary and secondary research. We all agreed that looking into mental health and mindfulness was an issue we had all experienced either first hand or had known a close friend or relative to experience. Therefore it was a topic we felt strongly about and could effectively help effect change towards. 

We brainstormed a number of potential subcategories of this issue we could look into including research into suicide being the biggest killer amongst males under 25 or how the stress and challenges caused by university can be a major factor in mental health amongst young people. 

Idea 1 - Mindfulness pack you can order online. Contains numbers and information about help you can seek if you feel your mental health is suffering eg. depression, anxiety etc.
Also contains tips and advice, and a game to help mindfulness and a link to a 24-hour online chat room as research has shown younger age groups prefer typing and texting to ringing on the phone.

Idea 2 - Posters breaking the stigma of depression and mental health and a new visual approach to address this issue. Usually, they are really drab, dark and depict upsetting scenes that could even be considered as triggers. Our aim would be to create bright, bold, aesthetically beautiful posters that students would want to put up in their homes and common areas without even really noticing that it is a poster on tackling and breaking the stigma around depression. In the small print would be information on people you could go to about depression and address other common issues at uni such as stress and loneliness. Looking into colour theory, the posters would be of colours and shapes that mean something rather than upsetting photography. 

Hellmann's - Hellmann's goal for this brief was to tackle food waste somewhere along the supply chain, whether that be in store, the restaurant or the consumer's homes using a product, service or publication. After discussing both a publication and an app we felt these approaches would be too obvious as well as low impact and time consuming to execute well. Therefore we tried to brainstorm some less convetional approaches. 

Idea 1 - Ugly Vegetables. Focussing on a copy led, art-directed campaign we want to encourage more people to buy wonky vegetables, with an alliance between Hellmann's and wonky veg boxes sold in all major supermarkets. This encourages supermarkets to sell wonky veg and consumers to buy it, saving millions of tonnes of vegetables from going to waste each year for simply being too ugly. 

We would also create a Hellmann's Wonky veg food van to travel around all major music festivals, freshers fairs and food markets around the country, promoting wonky veg and being the cheapest food source at overpriced festivals. 

Hellmann's says on their website that they are all about great taste, not looks so this campaign would fit perfectly with their brand values as a company. A voucher scheme would also encourage people to buy wonky veg and get a free sample of a hellmann's condiment. 

Idea 2 - Common leftovers to delicious meals. Focussing on Hellman's laid-back tone of voice we would create a bold, vibrant, copy-led campaign encouraging people to transform their most common and tatty leftovers into delicious meals - saving money and the environment. Including before and after shots and funny slogans like from a 2 to a 10 etc. 

Finding the most commonly thrown away leftover goods hellman's would have a food mixing page on their websites that suggests meals you can transform your leftovers into such as soups, stocks and even cakes. 

At the end of the meeting, as a group, we felt the most excited about the Hellmann's brief and idea 1 as we felt it would be a fun project to do, be fairly easy to execute and create a high impact campaign.

Feedback - I presented our idea to a small crit of 20-22 year olds. Everyone thought was aasa good idea and something that had died down in recent years after a big hype in 2015. It is something that would go down well and would be appealing to a large demographic from students cooking for themselves for the first time to families trying to save money at meal times. 

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Hellman's Brief - Outline

Combat throwaway culture and cut food waste with a device, publication or service from Hellmann’s

Related Disciplines

  • Design
  • Product & Service Innovations Brand Activation 
  • 20 March 2018, 5pm GMT 

Modern food production and consumption perpetuates a staggering amount of waste. According to Love Food, Hate Waste, “right now in the UK, we throw away 19% of all the food we buy: 7 million tonnes of it in fact, every year.”. It’s an amount that the average consumer drastically underestimates their role in.

Hellmann’s believes that food is too good to be wasted, and wants to further the conversation on food waste. It wants to promote sustainable, waste-reducing behaviours, via things like innovative recipes incorporating its products to use up food that would otherwise go to waste, and brand activations that lead change on this issue.

The Challenge

Create a Hellmann’s branded device, publication or service that addresses the issue of food wastage. Your design should be a response to a point in the supply chain where food is often wasted – this could be in the home, such as leftover food that’s overlooked or left behind when people go on holiday, or in restaurants or stores, when over-ordered or expired goods get binned. Choose either the home, the store, or the restaurant as the focus for your solution.

Think about Hellmann’s standpoint, “We’re on the side of food”, and consider how it positions the brand as a champion of the goodness of food, and how this furthers its narrative around sustainability.

No-one wants to waste food, but we still do. Why? Dig deep to identify where and how Hellmann’s could intervene to make a meaningful difference.

Who is it For?

Consumers or businesses who want to save money and reduce their environmental impact by not throwing good food away.

What to Consider

Consider the foods that most often go to waste (in the UK bread, milk, and fresh produce are the main culprits, but this will vary for other countries) and the times and reasons this tends to happen.

The two main drivers for consumers will be the unnecessary cost of buying something they won’t get around to eating and the environmental impact of the resources that went into growing or making these food products. How can you address these?

What’s going on in the decision-making process? Could Hellmann’s provide the necessary ‘nudge’ to alter behaviour and reduce excess production/purchase in the first place? Or will you empower people to make the most of the food they have? Eg consumers underestimate how many ‘meals’ worth’ of food they actually throw out – consider highlighting their own habits to engage them.

• Keep in mind how the brand speaks (you’ll get a sense from its website), and its tagline – “We’re on the side of food” – with its double meaning about how products are used, and being a champion of the goodness of food.

• Think about where your idea will be used, as well as practical considerations like food preservation, food safety and hygiene practices.

What’s Essential

• Design either a device, a publication or a service that embodies the Hellmann’s brand approach to sustainability, to help pre-empt or reduce food being wasted, in your choice of setting – either the home, a store, or a restaurant.

• Find a name that reflects the Hellmann’s tone of voice and the idea “We’re on the side of food”

• Present your idea in a nutshell, and include highlights from your research and development to show how you made your decisions.

What and How to Submit

Read Preparing Your Entries before you get started for full format guidelines.

Main (essential):
Either a presentation video (max. 2 min) OR JPEG slides (max. 8).

Optional (judges may view this if they wish): Interactive work (apps, etc); physical supporting material; if your main deliverable is JPEGs, you can also submit video (max. 1 min total); if your main piece is video, you can also submit JPEGs (max. 4).

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - End of Year Show Branding - Evaluation

Strengths and what I liked 

I believe the concept of our idea and name 'Level Up' was really strong and if taken further would have produced some really nice photographs and branding for the end of year show. Manipulating existing photographers images was fun and I enjoyed applying it to different elements of the branding such as the invites and signage outside the uni. I also enjoyed researching pixel art and 90s video games however after receiving the feedback from the marketing team can see why it may not have been appropriate for the final outcome. 

Weaknesses and what I didn't like

At times I found it really difficult working in a group with my close friends as I found that it was harder to form a coherant team, delegating tasks and working on it together fairly as 1) you didn't feel bad letting the team down if you wanted to do something else because they're your best friends so don't really care if they get annoyed at you or 2) Didn't hold back voicing your opinion if you didn't like something causing arguments and tension. When you're working with people you're not as close to you have to be more compassionate and considerate of others time and feelings to get the job done. 

Time Management 

The time scale for this project was 1 week brainstorming to completion so a fairly fast turnaround. The longest part was coming up with a visual that wasn't too 'digital' as we wanted to fairly and accurately reflect the different courses at uni. We spent a lot of time arguing which route to go down and how digital to make the design and a lot of the time there was only 2/3 of the team present which slowed things down a lot and caused further tension. 

Final Outcome 

I'm disappointed that we weren't able to explore the concept further as myself and Bethan wanted to have a go at art directing a photo shoot for the images to be used in the campaign which I believe would have made the final outcome really strong and eye-catching. The judges said the idea of using hands was too similar to previous years campaigns however that wasn't the main part of the idea so I didn't give it much thought at the time. I can see why we weren't picked but I'm disappointed as I feel like it's a half-finished project that will never see completion so I can't use it in my portfolio. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - EOYS - Concept Design Boards

Idea 1

Idea 2

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - EOYS - Development

We decided we really liked idea 5 so taking the image further we started playing around with different digital inspired type faces. 


Q: What should the typeface be like?
  • Sans serif typeface doesn't work because it's not relevant to the visuals
  • Needs a typeface that shouts 'digital'
  • The strong pixelated visual typefaces work better
  • Typeface needs to be more bold and pixelated, prominent
Q: What should the layout be?
  • Central Alligned type: More like a bold poster and in the context of games the name is always in the centre when it flashes on the screen
  • Less of a justification to have it left or right alligned
  • Makes more sense to be central
  • Strong colours and simple typeface
Q: Does the concept of doing an activity and having a contrasting bright background work?
  • Yeah it would work
  • When the new images are taken the idea will work as a whole because the content will be apropriate
  • Avoid the concept being too similiar to last years by making the colours different by avoiding pink and blue
  • Use different objects to lasts years 
  • People holding different objects and doing an action rather than being static
  • Leave it open to interpretation to what Peter and Paul 
  • Doing the action and art direction will make it different
  • Movement would be better than just holding static objects
  • Someone pulling apart tape
  • Going from one place to another - the pixels create movement
  • Reminds me of teleporting to another level with the pictures
  • Platform going from one screen to another
Further development

Following the feedback we decided to go with a typeface called Lo-Res for the Header font. However the rest of the bodycopy needed work so we opted for a simple layout and Helvetica for the rest of the information. 


Advertising outside 

Friday, February 16, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 01 - Fate App - Evaluation

Strengths & what I liked

For this project, I enjoyed getting to grips with Adobe XD, a programme I had never used before. I found it surprisingly easy to pick up and enjoyed seeing my design come to life. I also liked the concept for this brief as it is an App I would definitely use if it was on the market. It's unlike any other apps out there as it's for more spontaneous people who enjoy exploring and coming across hidden gems when they go to a new city. I also enjoyed coming up with an advertising campaign to promote the app, slightly exploring copywriting in the posters. I'm trying to stay away from illustrative projects this year as I relied heavily on them in 2nd year and now my portfolio is saturated with a style I don't particularly like. I'm proud that I've pushed myself to think of an idea which has completely steered away from hand rendered illustrations. 

Weaknesses & what I didn't like

I've become very rusty at After Effects after not using it for over a year. I would love to have got really into it and made a sleek animated video to showcase the user experience of the app but for some reason find after effects really daunting and extremely time-consuming. I've tried to make a few short gifs showing the UX where relevant but it is definitely an area I wish to get more confident in.

Time Management

My Time management for this project has been terrible I think due to to the fact I have an aversion to after effects. The actual design of the app was completed in a week, however, I kept putting off animating my design to show how it works meaning I didn't actually complete the project for months it was always just there in the background of other projects. 

Final Outcome

Overall I'm fairly pleased with the outcome of this brief, I don't think I'll be making any more apps or interfaces anytime soon as it's not really an area I'm that passionate about. I much prefer branding and visual identity which is why I tied an advertising campaign into the final outcomes of the project. I'm disappointed that I didn't push myself to get back into after effects as it is an area I wish I was better at. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 01 - Fate App - Final Video

To showcase the User experience of the app I animated a short video in After Effects to showcase navigation of the site. This can also be found on a memory stick inside the submission folder. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - EOYS Branding - Level Up

As a group, we started thinking of potential visuals for the concept 'Level Up'.

Idea 1: Pixel Props
  • Students holding giant pixelated props relating to their discipline: Illustration - Pencil, Fashion - Coat Hanger, Fine Art - Paint Brush. 
  • Students would have player/gamer profiles: Skill etc. 
  • Player 1/10 (10 different courses)
  • Almost like Top Trumps 
  • Photograph Based - students and real props
  • Bright colourful set - Lord Whitney Style 
  • Fun props - Art Direction
Quick Mockup:

Idea 2: Vintage Game Style

  • Bright Visuals and typography based
  • Pixelated Typography and images
  • No Photography 
  • Flat graphics but bright and colourful 
  • Potentially Riso-printed
  • Pixelated and Liney imagery
  • Style of old arcade games
Idea 3: Deconstructed Tools/objects

  • Deconstructed tools for each different discipline
  • Photography - Camera 
  • Fashion - Sewing machine
  • Etc.
  • Drawn in a cool retro, flat style
Idea 4: Person Loading

  • Pixelated Person Loading (into graduate)
  • Half Pixelated
  • Loading Bar
  • Photography based, photoshoot
Quick Mockup:

Idea 5: Pixelated Loading

  • Potentially use people's work 
  • Use images of people doing work - interesting items
  • So you have to come to the show to see the full thing
  • Potentially animate
  • Consistent
  • Apply on the mockup Massive one
  • Focus on Hands
Quick Mockup:

Monday, February 12, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - End of Year Show Branding - Initial Ideas

Team: Bethan, Anna and Myself

Initial Ideas (Empty your brains) 

  • Copy Based Ideas: LAU, Lauder, LAUder than ever. Rhyme things with LAU. Incorporate it into words, sentences and rhymes. 
  • We've upgraded. LCA > LAU. The imagery of pencils upgrading into supercharged tools etc.
  • New Generation of designers. 
  • Are we the missing piece? Mosaic Imagery from the uni's logo etc. Jigsaw idea
  • Bigger Picture - Each course makes up a different part of the poster/different set of design skills
  • Mashup of different course disciplines in a weird collage/the folded paper game where someone adds a different idea. 
  • Before and After - Artwork from being 4yrs old and artwork now. 
Ideas discussed as a group
  • Campaign around Uni being an incubator, nurturing us as we grow
  • Uni Opening doors
  • Building foundations
  • Level Up - The uni has upgraded from a college to a uni
    We have progressed through levels 4, 5 and 6
    Foundation Level progresses to Level 4
    Level 6 progress into industry
    LU = Level Up     LAU = Leeds Arts University
  • Microsoft Paint - We've come a long way from Paint, 90's imagery, we all started playing in Paint when we were younger. Now see how far we've come. 
Chosen Ideas:

1 - Level Up

The Concept: Uni has levelled up from LCA to LAU, We're levelling up from 3rd year to industry/masters, Foundation are levelling up to 1st year and the idea of having levels 4, 5 and 6. 

  • LAU invites you to Level Up
  • Player 1 wants to join your team
  • Share a skill
  • Press Start > On your career
  • Score
  • Select Character 
  • Start Game 
  • Character loading
  • Loading 
  • Loading Bar (Sees where you are) 
  • Arrows
  • Beginner > Intermediate > Expert 
  • We've upgraded 
  • Unlock your potential 
  • Continue
  • Error
  • Skills
  • Reboot
  • Cheat Code
  • Guest (Guest Mode)
  • Completed
  • Mode - Undergrad, Foundation
  • Zone
  • We've upgraded. And so have our students. 
Symbols for courses

Printed Textiles: Coat hanger
Photography: Camera
Fine Art: Paint Brush
Graphic Design: Mouse 
Illustration: Pencil
Animation: Something in motion, film reel
Fashion: Coat Hanger 
Advertising: TV
Vis Com:


Pixelate peoples work in poster
