Tuesday, February 20, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - End of Year Show Branding - Evaluation

Strengths and what I liked 

I believe the concept of our idea and name 'Level Up' was really strong and if taken further would have produced some really nice photographs and branding for the end of year show. Manipulating existing photographers images was fun and I enjoyed applying it to different elements of the branding such as the invites and signage outside the uni. I also enjoyed researching pixel art and 90s video games however after receiving the feedback from the marketing team can see why it may not have been appropriate for the final outcome. 

Weaknesses and what I didn't like

At times I found it really difficult working in a group with my close friends as I found that it was harder to form a coherant team, delegating tasks and working on it together fairly as 1) you didn't feel bad letting the team down if you wanted to do something else because they're your best friends so don't really care if they get annoyed at you or 2) Didn't hold back voicing your opinion if you didn't like something causing arguments and tension. When you're working with people you're not as close to you have to be more compassionate and considerate of others time and feelings to get the job done. 

Time Management 

The time scale for this project was 1 week brainstorming to completion so a fairly fast turnaround. The longest part was coming up with a visual that wasn't too 'digital' as we wanted to fairly and accurately reflect the different courses at uni. We spent a lot of time arguing which route to go down and how digital to make the design and a lot of the time there was only 2/3 of the team present which slowed things down a lot and caused further tension. 

Final Outcome 

I'm disappointed that we weren't able to explore the concept further as myself and Bethan wanted to have a go at art directing a photo shoot for the images to be used in the campaign which I believe would have made the final outcome really strong and eye-catching. The judges said the idea of using hands was too similar to previous years campaigns however that wasn't the main part of the idea so I didn't give it much thought at the time. I can see why we weren't picked but I'm disappointed as I feel like it's a half-finished project that will never see completion so I can't use it in my portfolio. 

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