Monday, February 12, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 02 - End of Year Show Branding - Initial Ideas

Team: Bethan, Anna and Myself

Initial Ideas (Empty your brains) 

  • Copy Based Ideas: LAU, Lauder, LAUder than ever. Rhyme things with LAU. Incorporate it into words, sentences and rhymes. 
  • We've upgraded. LCA > LAU. The imagery of pencils upgrading into supercharged tools etc.
  • New Generation of designers. 
  • Are we the missing piece? Mosaic Imagery from the uni's logo etc. Jigsaw idea
  • Bigger Picture - Each course makes up a different part of the poster/different set of design skills
  • Mashup of different course disciplines in a weird collage/the folded paper game where someone adds a different idea. 
  • Before and After - Artwork from being 4yrs old and artwork now. 
Ideas discussed as a group
  • Campaign around Uni being an incubator, nurturing us as we grow
  • Uni Opening doors
  • Building foundations
  • Level Up - The uni has upgraded from a college to a uni
    We have progressed through levels 4, 5 and 6
    Foundation Level progresses to Level 4
    Level 6 progress into industry
    LU = Level Up     LAU = Leeds Arts University
  • Microsoft Paint - We've come a long way from Paint, 90's imagery, we all started playing in Paint when we were younger. Now see how far we've come. 
Chosen Ideas:

1 - Level Up

The Concept: Uni has levelled up from LCA to LAU, We're levelling up from 3rd year to industry/masters, Foundation are levelling up to 1st year and the idea of having levels 4, 5 and 6. 

  • LAU invites you to Level Up
  • Player 1 wants to join your team
  • Share a skill
  • Press Start > On your career
  • Score
  • Select Character 
  • Start Game 
  • Character loading
  • Loading 
  • Loading Bar (Sees where you are) 
  • Arrows
  • Beginner > Intermediate > Expert 
  • We've upgraded 
  • Unlock your potential 
  • Continue
  • Error
  • Skills
  • Reboot
  • Cheat Code
  • Guest (Guest Mode)
  • Completed
  • Mode - Undergrad, Foundation
  • Zone
  • We've upgraded. And so have our students. 
Symbols for courses

Printed Textiles: Coat hanger
Photography: Camera
Fine Art: Paint Brush
Graphic Design: Mouse 
Illustration: Pencil
Animation: Something in motion, film reel
Fashion: Coat Hanger 
Advertising: TV
Vis Com:


Pixelate peoples work in poster


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