Friday, February 9, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 01 - Fate App - Online Collateral

Website and Instagram 

To illustrate the visual identity of the Fate App further I designed a quick mockup of how the desktop website resolution would look to accompany the app. 

Design Research

I wanted the design of the website to be sleek and straightforward. Therefore I looked into website designs that fir the aesthetic I was going for. I also wanted the various art and design to be the main focus so they layout had to feature a relevant grid. 

Website inspiration:

Fate website design: 

This is a proposal of how the screen resolution would look for a web version of the Fate App. The Website would act similarly to the app but instead of using your GPS location to search, users would manually enter the location they were interested in to be able to see all the different events going on in that location ahead of their trip. By signing into their account any events they favourited would automatically be saved to the app. 

Unlike the style of the app the font ‘Editor’ which is used for the logo is also used across the website on headers to create a more interesting and engaging design and create impact by making full use of the space. 

Through researching similar Apps such as Google Arts and Culture and Eventbrite I discovered that they each had social media pages that alerted followers to events going on around the world which they may be interested in.

Combining useful information about new or trending events with an inspirational feed similar to BOOOOM’s or It’s Nice That’s Instagram accounts would hopefully encourage more users to download the app and get exploring art in the towns and cities near them.

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