Friday, February 16, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 01 - Fate App - Evaluation

Strengths & what I liked

For this project, I enjoyed getting to grips with Adobe XD, a programme I had never used before. I found it surprisingly easy to pick up and enjoyed seeing my design come to life. I also liked the concept for this brief as it is an App I would definitely use if it was on the market. It's unlike any other apps out there as it's for more spontaneous people who enjoy exploring and coming across hidden gems when they go to a new city. I also enjoyed coming up with an advertising campaign to promote the app, slightly exploring copywriting in the posters. I'm trying to stay away from illustrative projects this year as I relied heavily on them in 2nd year and now my portfolio is saturated with a style I don't particularly like. I'm proud that I've pushed myself to think of an idea which has completely steered away from hand rendered illustrations. 

Weaknesses & what I didn't like

I've become very rusty at After Effects after not using it for over a year. I would love to have got really into it and made a sleek animated video to showcase the user experience of the app but for some reason find after effects really daunting and extremely time-consuming. I've tried to make a few short gifs showing the UX where relevant but it is definitely an area I wish to get more confident in.

Time Management

My Time management for this project has been terrible I think due to to the fact I have an aversion to after effects. The actual design of the app was completed in a week, however, I kept putting off animating my design to show how it works meaning I didn't actually complete the project for months it was always just there in the background of other projects. 

Final Outcome

Overall I'm fairly pleased with the outcome of this brief, I don't think I'll be making any more apps or interfaces anytime soon as it's not really an area I'm that passionate about. I much prefer branding and visual identity which is why I tied an advertising campaign into the final outcomes of the project. I'm disappointed that I didn't push myself to get back into after effects as it is an area I wish I was better at. 

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