Saturday, October 10, 2015

Study Task 1: Crit

On Friday we had our first critical evaluation, assessing the work we had produced for the design of a new logotype in the week.

The tutors liked the work and our presentation but gave us some points on areas we could improve.

The first was that the colour we used (blue) was too cold for a boiler company. It didn't really sell the idea of warmth and heating.

The second was that the slogan 'the boiler people' was a bit old fashioned and could have been updated to 'our boiler people' or 'the boiler people'. It was also ineligible and hard to read from a distance or if used on a smaller scale.

Apart from that everything we did including research, experimenting and creating was all up to scratch and we could clearly explain why each design decision was made.

These are a list of other useful points to consider when doing similar projects to this:

  • When critiquing something e.g. saying 'the typeface wasn't very friendly', you have to say why! Can't just make bold statements without backing the up.
  • Never put writing or big bodies of text in presentations. Use pictures on the slides and verbally communicate the rest of the information.
  • Explain why each design decision was reached at every step. WHY? WHY? WHY?
  • Keep it simple.
  • Look at the way the company communicates through social media like twitter and Instagram to get a feel for the brands identity and the language it uses.
  • Be confident in the work you've produced. You have to make convincing pitches and bold claims like 'We believe this is the best representation of the company because...' You want to try and get across the brands identity in the clearest way possible.
  • Consider and document the most challenging aspects.

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