Sunday, March 18, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 03 - Hellmann's - Evalutation

Strengths and What I liked 

For my collaborative competition brief project, I worked with Elliott, Jonathon and Bethan to create a new service for Hellmann's that would tackle the issue of food waste. I really enjoyed working with this team as I felt we time managed, delegated roles fairly and each got on with our own tasks quickly, on time and to a high standard. There were a lot of elements to this brief including a stop-motion video, illustrations, sound recordings, photo-shoots, and photoshopping etc. therefore, we had to work on our own strengths and work together to get everything done. As we were all in the same class everyone was always close by to discuss new ideas and directions and tackle any issues that arose. The final idea was really strong, I thought our video was memorable and concise and our mockups for the outcome were sleek and professional. 

Weaknesses and what I didn't like

For a stronger submission, I did feel at times there were too many people with the same skillsets (as we are all graphic designers) therefore we could have benefitted from asking an illustrator to collaborate with us to make the video. However, Elliott was amazing at Premier pro therefore, in the end, we didn't really need the extra help and it allowed Elliott to learn a new skillset that will be really beneficial to him in the future. 

Time Management

This project was fairly time-consuming taking just under a month from initial ideas to submission however there were lots of different elements to organise and plan which is unlike any other project I have done before. As I'm a bit of a control freak and perfectionist I did take it upon myself to tweak the other people in my group's work before adding them to the design boards to make sure everything matched and was fully coherent which no-one minded but did take a lot of additional time. Overall though after each focusing on our roles in the group we got all the work done and finished in good time, submitting a day before the deadline and finishing my own personal design boards the day after.   

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