Saturday, March 31, 2018

OUGD603 - Brief 07 - Research Brief - Gender Disparity in the Design Industry

Over the past 2 years of studying graphic design, I have been surprised to learn of the statistics outlining gender disparity within the design industry. Before coming to university it was something I had never given a thought and I was totally shocked to discover that there was a gender wage gap in Britain, something I was naively unaware of until the other week. As a young woman just starting out in the industry it is an issue I'm extremely passionate about researching further into, to not only prepare myself for the harsh realities of the industry but to understand more into why this is the case and if there is anything being done about it to make this issue a thing of the past. In my current position as a student, the idea that many of the boys in my class will get a better deal in life simply for being a male is absolutely baffling and something I find totally wrong. As I am not in the industry yet the challenge of this brief will be to find something meaningful to make and present my findings in a sensitive but powerful way. I will also have to consider the tone of voice, who it will be aimed at and what I want to achieve as an outcome.

Brief - Conduct extensive research into gender disparity in the industry to produce a meaningful and effective piece of graphic design whether it be a publication, typeface, campaign, video or service etc. that will help put pressure on the industry to make a change for the better, and help make gender disparity in the design industry an issue of the past. 


• Graphic design outcome

• Documentation of extensive research into the issue
• Blog Posts
• Design Boards 

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