Monday, April 18, 2016

OUGD404 - End of Module Self Evaluation

Coming from a fine art and textiles background, I have found OUGD404 design principles one of the more challenging aspects of the course to date. The module has introduced me to many new theories and design principles to apply to my designs, whereas in the past I have been used to creating things without set rules and guidelines, and just using my eyes to decipher what looks good or not. 

I have found it difficult at times to get my head around the definitions of principles like Canons and Figure and Ground etc. and what their purpose is in the world of design. However, the module has been an eye-opening experience to see what techniques can be used to make designs more successful, from something as simple as the alignment of texts to the use of different grids and layouts.

Over the course of this module I have particularly enjoyed the study tasks which have allowed us to get creative with what we are designing. Particularly the typesetting study task and the bookbinding workshops. The typesetting and concrete poetry introduced me to the work of designers who work without grids and use typography as a means of expression, through the actual shape that the words are arranged into. The bookbinding workshop also provided me with a fun skill that I can explore further in the coming years of the course.

One of the reason I think I have struggled with this module is that I haven’t done as much reading as I feel I should have, which is something I plan to address over the summer. I want to have a firm grasp of all the design principles before I start the course again in September to ensure that all my work is produced to as high a standard as possible, and so I can apply the things I have learnt to my designs rather than be confused by them. I feel that I must also remember to take as many notes as possible in lectures and thoroughly evaluate new techniques learnt in my blog posts to help myself remember them when it comes to putting them into practice at a later date.

I also need to start looking into the work of other designers more and taking notes of the theories and principles that they follow. I feel one of my strengths is my grasp on colour theory and creating interesting layouts, however the idea of using grids is still quite a daunting prospect for me and I aim to address this attitude in the next term so my work can progress further.

Through completing the briefs on this project I have discovered that editorial design is something that doesn’t particularly appeal to me. I found the process on a whole very stressful and felt there was too much measuring and maths involved for my liking. I did however enjoy the freedom of the second brief to create whatever we wanted. I enjoyed researching and drawing the illustrations for the Danny DeVito Bible and experimenting with different methods of production such as the bookbinding.

In the final production of my book I feel I should have experimented with screen printing to see if it would have achieved a cleaner finish than photo transfer paper on the book’s cover however this is something I can address in future projects. I also wish I had experimented with different paper stocks more as although I am happy with the overall finish of the paper it would have been beneficial to experiment with some different finishes to see if they produced a different effect. If I was to make a book again I would also ensure that I booked a digital print slot a few months in advance to avoid the long drop-in queues.

One of my biggest weaknesses over the course of this module has been test printing and proof-reading my publications. This lead to there being multiple spelling mistakes particularly in the first publication. If I were to make a book again I would ensure everything is proof read by both myself and my peers at least twice until I was absolutely certain there were no mistakes.

Overall I feel like I have managed my time quite well in this project however I feel I could have taken longer to look over test prints to ensure the final piece was as good as it could have been, but all in all I am happy with the final results considering this is the first time I’ve ever made a book.

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