Tuesday, April 12, 2016

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 03 - Collaborative Practice - Exhibition Branding

Working as part of a creative team we have been set the task of putting together a pitch for the concept, branding, identity and promotional collateral for the end of year 1st and 2nd year Graphic design show 'License to Print Money' at Bank House.
We have been put into groups and have to create an engaging, identity and promotional campaign for the show considering:

- What is unique about this exhibition?

- How can the content, location, exhibitors potentially inform your design treatment?

- Who is the target audience? 

- What do they need to know? 

- How will you engage with them?

Considerations we should be aware of and include are:

- Location
- Times
- Content
- Exhibitors
- Social media, links, hashtags etc
- Contact Details
- Format
- Signage, way-marking
- Opening night Invites


- Costings: be aware of reproduction costs to ensure you don't propose something unfeasible

- Production: collateral must be reproducible using the college resources.

Mandatory Requirements

Documentation must include evidence of time-management, planning, dissemination, independent and collaborative practice

Organisation, planning and presentation for a 15 minute pitch of your ideas and concept


15 minute pitch/presentation of your proposal

Mock-ups of key pieces of print/digital collateral

Evidence and documentation of collaborative practice

Completion of self & peer evaluation

Group contract


We decided to go with the theme of 'receipts' as it tied in well with the idea of 'printed' money and had a lot of scope for routes to take the idea down. 

Here are some examples of inspiration that fuelled our initial ideas:


I got delegated the role of designing the way finding system for the exhibition. As the exhibition is in only 1 room, I felt it was more necessary for the way finding to be leading towards the building / entrance of exhibition rather than around the exhibition. 

Information that needs to be displayed: 

- What floor is the exhibition on?
- What entrance to use?
- Best Route to Room?
- Exit
- Name of Exhibition
- Opening Times / Dates / Free Exhibition?
- Directional Arrows

I wanted to decorate the outside of the building so visitors knew where the exhibition was and also create boards on the inside to allow visitors to find what floor the exhibition is on.

These are images I found from existing exhibitions that gave me some inspiration: 

Use layered boards to display event information such as these:


More examples of boards with cut out aspects. Could easily reproduce with the college's laser cutter. 

Instead of standing boards could have shapes hanging from the ceiling. Both ideas resonate with receipts as they are rectangular shaped and have scope to use a limited colour palette of black and white, a multitude of materials and a set typeface to tie in with the rest of the exhibition. 

Decorate outside of the building with vinyl stickers to show visitors where the event is and also use the same patterns to create pathways to the exhibition. I was inspired to take the patterns found on receipts such as ' ********** ' and '- - - - - - - -' to make the patterns. This would add colour and interest to the wayfinding. Could go on walls or floors or both. Cheap to produce and easy to install / remove. 

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