Friday, April 29, 2016

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 03 - Collaborative Practice - Exhibition Branding - Evaluation

On the whole working collaboratively with my group was a good experience as we worked really well as a team. We delegated roles as fairly and evenly as possible and helped each other out wherever we could. 

Anytime we came up with a new resolution for a set task eg. Making the press pack or the posters etc. we posted it in the group chat for feedback on where it could be improved. 

We also set times to meet up in person in the week at stages of the design process where we felt it necessary. We also stuck to the set time plan, ensuring that we met all of the deadlines.

The communication in the group was fast and reliable and we all got along really well, bouncing off each other’s ideas and taking any feedback on board. 

I used to despise the idea of working in a group as I am a huge control freak and like things done a certain way, however this experience has shown me the benefits collaborating with other people can have including sharing the workload and getting new ideas through group discussions.

Working in a group was also helpful for when you hit a creative wall as there were a lot of
people there to support you and give you a fresh perspective and to help steer you back in the right direction. 

Our group got shortlisted to present our ideas to Bank House and first direct which I think proves how successfully we worked together as a team to come up with an appropriate resolution for the brief. 

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