Friday, April 29, 2016

OUGD406 -Studio Brief 04 - Reflective Practice - Evalutation

I really enjoyed the final brief in OUGD406 as it gave us an opportunity to reflect on what we had learnt over the course of the year and allowed us to think about the challenges we have overcome as well as a few mistakes that we have learnt from and would do differently in level 5. 

The brief allowed me to explore my own individual style and gave me a chance to use the screen printing facilities at the college, building my confidence in this area of design. 

I was really happy with how the prints turned out. Despite the process of actually making the prints taking 2 full days the end results were definitely worth it as they gave a more personal hand made finish. 

Obviously as screen printing is a handmade process there were pieces that went wrong / smudged/ used too much ink however it was these imperfections that made each print unique. 

I made sure I had a few spares of each print incase something went wrong on the next colour separation. Luckily nothing went too wrong and I ended up with 3 good final resolutions.

I had to retouch some of the black lines on each of the prints where the ink hadn’t gone through and due to my screen not being properly stripped at the beginning of the process, the blue on my calendar prints went a bit patchy however everyone I asked said
they liked this effect and asked how I got it as it makes the print look more textured. 

If I was to do the project again I would maybe try effects like layering the colours rather than printing out each colour as one layer onto the white paper to see what effects I could acheive. 

I would also make the skin tone on the arm bolder and more vibrant.

Apart from this I am happy with the results and I feel like I was successful in creating a piece of work that first years would like looking at and be able to relate back to throughout the year.

Hopefully the fun and laid back nature of the prints will help new Level 04 students feel at home in their new environment as it will help them to relax and have fun with their work.

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